
CARMEN Annual Meeting in Prague is approaching! Join us in the beautiful...

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The Summer School of Medieval Studies (Letní škola medievistických studií) is held...

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After the successful reading event last year, CARMEN prepared reading for the...

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The Applied Research Centre in the Humanities is an initiative developed by the CARMEN Worldwide Medieval Network and the Arc-Humanities Press serves as the publishing arm of CARMEN.

CARMEN's network links a number of research institutions, universities, interest groups, and individuals with common scholarly interest in the study of the Middle Ages. While based in Europe, it reaches out to all continents to create an open and truly international platform of co-operation in the field of medieval research and teaching. It organises an annual meeting each September and fosters a range of major international, collaborative research projects.

Arc-Humanities and Press
CARMEN is developing an Applied Research Centre in the Humanities which brings business partners together with academic institutions, particularly in the creation of employment-focused training elements in doctoral and postdoctoral programmes, and managing student placements. Arc-Humanities Press is a second activity of this network and comprises the provision of editorial services and its own publishing house, which operates in niche areas in which the CARMEN network focuses. For more information consult or contact us at