
CARMEN Annual Meeting in Prague is approaching! Join us in the beautiful...

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The Summer School of Medieval Studies (Letní škola medievistických studií) is held...

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After the successful reading event last year, CARMEN prepared reading for the...

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Research projects

Investing in the European Past in a Globalized World

CARMEN seeks partners to develop a project on the foundation myths of Europe. Drawing from the lively discussion and many stimulating contributions that came up in Budapest prospective workshop on global memories of medieval Europe all over the world, we tried to identify ideas in order to create a systematic approach toward an ESF Exploratory workshop in 2014. These are decisive times for Europe. The growth... Read more

ESF exploratory workshop Creative cities, Budapest 2012

CARMEN and Pam King (Bristol) successfully bid for an ESF-funded exploratory workshop on Creative Cities (project led by Pam King). The two-day workshop was held in Budapest on 10-11 September 2012, immediately following the CARMEN Annual Meeting. A highly diverse, cross-disciplinary meeting brought together thirty participants, including a half-dozen professional practitioners (drama and early music festivals) and several social scientists with expertise in measuring... Read more

ESF project Symbols that bind and break communities: Saints’ cults

The second large collaborative project of CARMEN is funded by ESF EUROCORECODE programme and bears the title Symbols that bind and break communities: Saints’ cults as stimuli and expressions of local, regional, national and universalist identities (registered as CULTICSYMBOLS). Here, five countries are participating (Denmark, Austria, Estonia, Norway, and Hungary). Funded by: ETF, FIST, FWF, RCN Communities are brought together... Read more

ESF project Cuius Regio

In 2009 CARMEN bidded successfully for two large collaborative research projects with the ESF EUROCORECODE programme. The first project under the title Cuius Regio. An analysis of the cohesive and disruptive forces destining the attachment of groups of persons to and the cohesion within regions as a historical phenomenon (registered under CURE) spans eight European countries (The Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic, Estonia, Romania, Denmark, Spain... Read more

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