
CARMEN Annual Meeting in Prague is approaching! Join us in the beautiful...

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The Summer School of Medieval Studies (Letní škola medievistických studií) is held...

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After the successful reading event last year, CARMEN prepared reading for the...

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Participants’ announcements

NEIGHBOURS AND STRANGERS - Medium Aevum Conference 2017

How did medieval individuals and communities engage with those around them, both locally and further afield? In what ways did textual, performative and interpretative practices serve to police, challenge or re-negotiate these relationships? And where were distinctions between neighbours and strangers unstable, ambiguous or malleable?

In 2017, at a moment when relationships between international neighbours are the focus of intense political attention, and fraught conversations continue about how we might construct ‘neighbours’ and ‘strangers’ within our communities, this one-day conference will turn these charged, timely questions of identity and interaction back to the Middle Ages.


Date: 21 October 2017, University of Southampton

For further details and to register, please visit
(please, copy the link to your browser)

NEIGHBOURS AND STRANGERS - Medium Aevum Conference 2017

How did medieval individuals and communities engage with those around them, both locally and further afield? In what ways did textual, performative and interpretative practices serve to police, challenge or re-negotiate these relationships? And where were distinctions between neighbours and strangers unstable, ambiguous or malleable? In 2017, at a moment when relationships between international neighbours are the focus of intense political attention, and fraught conversations continue about how we might construct... Read more

MECERN - Medieval Central Europe Research Network

Medieval Central Europe Research Network founded. The Organizing Committee in the Dept. of Medieval Studies, CEU wishes to announce that MECERN, founded at a conference last year, is now operative. The aim of this project is to facilitate cooperation between students of the subject on an international and interdisciplinary basis, and initiate or support joint projects. The network and CARMEN are mutually cooperating. Interested scholars and students are invited to... Read more

Call for papers - 9th International Conference of the TACMRS

The 9th International Conference of the TACMRS  will take place on 23-24 October 2015 at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan. The topic is "Madness: Sacred and Profane", and we warmly invites papers that reach beyond the traditional chronological and disciplinary borders of Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies. Please submit proposals (250 words) along with a one-page CV to by 1 February 2015. For more information, please find the... Read more

Professional Career Development Workshop: 'Ad Futuram Rei Memoriam': Using Ecclesiastical Sources - Papal and (Archi-)Episcopal Registers in Research and Teaching - A Wokshop with IMC Leeds

CARMEN discussions on fostering professional careers were seminal in the development of the new professional career development tool organised within the framework and by the International Medieval Congress in Leeds for the first time this year. This workshop has been developed in conjunction with CARMEN with the aim of developing courses for established scholars and early-career researchers alike. The workshop takes place at the end of IMC Leeds on Friday 4... Read more

The Final EuroCORECODE Programme Conference, Arnhem, August 29-31, 2013

The Final EuroCORECODE Programme Conference will take place from 29 to 31 August 2013 in Arnhem, The Netherlands under the overall title of Changing Borders, Regions, Identities. The conference will present the results of the three large ESF-funded projects in the European Science Foundation EuroCORECODE programme (, where CARMEN had two projects: the CULTIC SYMBOLS ( and the CUIUS REGIO project ( Read more

19th Annual ACMRS Conference

BEASTS, HUMANS AND TRANSHUMANS IN THE MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE CALL FOR PAPERS: 19th Annual ACMRS Conference being held on 14-16 February 2013, Phoenix, AZ, USA. Keynote speaker: Professor Juliana Schiesari, Department of Comparative Literature, University of California, Davis. We welcome any topic related to the study and teaching of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, especially those that focus on this year’s theme of beasts, humans and transhumans both... Read more


  CALL FOR PAPERS   Cuius patrocinio tota gaudet regio.Saints' Cults and the Dynamics of Regional Cohesion   Dubrovnik, 18-20 October 2012.   Conference organized by Croatian Hagiography Society HAGIOTHECA and Collaborative Research Project CULTSYMBOLS of the ESF EuroCORECODE Programme.   Keynote speaker: Thomas Head, Hunter College and Graduate Center, City University of New York.   Please, send your proposals for papers of ca. 20 minutes with abstracts of max. 300 words to by March 15, 2012. Details... Read more

International Medieval Meeting Lleida

The International Medieval Meeting Lleida will be held between 28th June and 1st July, 2011, at the University of Lleida, Spain. The meeting will run six discussion platforms, where we invite papers from all kinds of medieval research and activity, ranging from medieval history, via art history, and archaeology, to culture, literature, and language. For information, please, visit  ... Read more

Participants’ announcements

This forum publicises information which matches the goals of CARMEN. Look here for announcements concerning CARMEN projects-in-making, activities designed to develop new collaborative projects with CARMEN support, and large members' conferences/events.... Read more

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