
CARMEN Annual Meeting in Prague is approaching! Join us in the beautiful...

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The Summer School of Medieval Studies (Letní škola medievistických studií) is held...

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After the successful reading event last year, CARMEN prepared reading for the...

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If you want to join CARMEN want to join any of our project or develop your own in the field od medieval and/or Early Modern studies have a related project in Classics or Modern periods have any suggestions concerning our work and how to expand it  have suggestions concerning reseach funding you are a member of a national association not yet represented in CARMEN are simply interested in CARMEN work contact us


Core Committee

1. Academic Director

Catherine A.M. Clarke (Southampton)

2. Treasurer

Jitske Jasperse (Amsterdam) (assist: Gillian Galloway, York)

3. Website, Facebook and Meeting Secretary

Felicitas Schmieder (Hagen) (assist: Katerina Hornickova, Wien)

4. Newsletter

Nada Zecevic (Sarajevo) (assist: Meghan Connolly, Kalamazoo)

5. Conference Manager

Claire McIlroy (Perth, WA)

6. Strategic Partnerships

Cristina Pimenta (Porto)

7. Forum for National Associations

Lisa Fagin Davis (Cambridge MA)

8. Project Topics

Christian Krötzl (Tampere)

9. Director for Projects

Simon Forde (Kalamazoo)


Specific Committees

1. Existing Members and Fundraising Jitske Jasperse, ex officio
Maria Joao Branco (Lisboa)
Marjolein Stern (Gent)
Lisa Fagin Davis

2. Annual Meeting & Invitations to New People Claire McIlroy, ex officio
Cristina Pimenta - matchmaking
Felicitas Schmieder - Essen 2016 meeting

3. Early Careers Involvement Bob Bjork (Arizona)
Erin T. Dailey (Leeds) - Networks and Neighbours
Marjolein Stern (Gent)

4. Project Ideas, Leeds, Annual Meeting Sessions Gerhard Jaritz, ex officio
Christian Krötzl, ex officio - Arc Medieval Press
Felicitas Schmieder - Investing in the Past project
(others by invitation)

5. New Project Development Simon Forde, ex officio
Gerhard Jaritz - schoolbooks project
Claire McIlroy
Marek Tamm - Contagious Pasts project
(others by invitation)